Good! I have spent good time with the blog and you see as progresses .... I have yet to improve the blog and photos back to change their appearance
to thank the fans and people who comentaís, I wanted to ask if you do not mind that the survey contestéis I made
I am also looking for a solution for the sale of my products outside of Madrid, I'm looking at the issue of paypal and ebay, but distrusted a bit and I still have not dared to take the next step º ( >. \u0026lt;) º if you have any suggestions nyaa please let me know
But for now remember that if you live in Madrid and you want any of the items in person would be somewhere in between if you live outside or would I go to your neighborhood if it falls within Zone A, apologies for any inconvenience this may cause you u_u
I became an e-mail specifically if you want to send me an e-mail directly to be:
s Thanks to all Bye-NIII